


21 Days


Enjoy the exceptional 21-day 'Uganda - Wildlife And Nature Experience' safari tour, offering you the opportunity to closely observe the majestic chimpanzees of Uganda in their natural habitat and witness diverse African wildlife, beautiful landscapes, and amazing culture. Witness the spectacular Murchison Falls, and enjoy the thrilling whitewater experience on the Nile River. This tour starts and ends at Kampala and takes you through Jinja, Sipi falls, Moroto, Kidepo Valley National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Kibale Forest National Park, Semuliki National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Lake Bunyonyi, and Lake Mburo National Park, providing you the ultimate wildlife safari experience of Uganda. It includes either a road transfer or flight transfer from Kampala to Jinja and back from Lake Mburo National Park to Kampala. The typical safari itinerary is listed as follows:


Your driver guide reports at the Entebbe International Airport for transfer to your hotel in Uganda. The driver guide/safari representative will facilitate all the arrival formalities seamlessly and will brief you about your adventure safari tour. Check-in at the hotel for an overnight stay on a bed-and-breakfast basis.

Accomodation At:

The Boma Hotel


Have breakfast at the hotel and then leave for Jinja, which is a very fascinating city full of attractions and adventurous activities: river rafting, boating, nature walks and sightseeing among others.

Visit the picturesque Itanda Falls where you will enjoy a half-day river kayaking trip in the frothy rapids of the Nile River. The golden sunshine, warm waters, beautiful birds and stunning scenery will give you a memorable kayaking experience.

After kayaking, drive to the source of the Nile for a boat ride and witness the site where the river dramatically separates from Lake Victoria, one of the most awe-inspiring sights. The stream of the water runs towards the north forming the Victoria Nile and joins the Albert Nile in Murchison Falls National Park.

After the boat ride, return back to your hotel for an overnight stay.

Road Transfer From Entebbe International Airport To Jinja Time: 45 minutes
Distance: 80 km

Accomodation At:

Nile River Camp

Meal Plan: Bed-and-breakfast


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for Sipi Falls. Enjoy your drive through Mbale Town where you will stop briefly for lunch. The Sipi falls are three stunning waterfalls that thrill at the edge of Mount Elgon, a block mountain between Uganda and Kenya.

On your arrival at Sipi, proceed for a nature walk in the evening and visit the three Sipi falls. The visit to the falls requires a hike across routes involving muddy slippery paths, farms and climbing ladders. After visiting Sipi Falls, return to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 3 hours 16 minutes
Distance: 195 km

Accomodation At:

Lacam Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for an adventurous morning abseiling at the falls and enjoy the beautiful views of the surrounding vegetation, the clad valleys and mountains and the Karamoja plains. You will also visit the coffee plantation and learn about the process of coffee production, which includes its cultivation, weeding, harvesting, roasting, grinding and packing.

After a successful visit to all the magnificent sites, return to your lodge for lunch and a road transfer to Moroto for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 3 hours 42 minutes
Distance: 16 km

Accomodation At:

Karatunga Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for an early morning community walk where you will have a community encounter with Karamojong people.

After the community walk, leave for Kidepo Valley National Park. Covering an area of 1442 square kilometers, the Kidepo Valley National Park is a desolate wilderness with fascinating savannah grasslands, sausage trees and acacia trees. The park doesn't draw too much attention from safari tourists and is a perfect place to experience wildlife with peace. Reach the park in the late afternoon and check in at your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 5 hours 10 minutes
Distance: 254 km

Accomodation At:

Kidepo Savanna Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast early in the morning and leave for a game drive at Kidepo Valley National Park where you can see four of the African Big 5, lion, leopard, buffalo and elephant. You will also witness various herbivores such as bohor reedbuck, Burchell’s zebra, Jackson’s hartebeest, Rothschild’s giraffe, warthogs, patas monkeys and many others.

After the game drive, have lunch at the lodge and proceed for a half-day tour of the local communities. Visit Karamojong Manyatta and meet the Karamojong people, a proud and fierce group of semi-nomadic pastoralists with a rich cultural heritage. You can learn about their culture, their daily lives, and how they construct their homes.

After the tour, return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Accomodation At:

Kidepo Savanna Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast early in the morning and leave for Murchison Falls National Park, driving via Gulu city. The Murchison Falls National Park presents one of the most spectacular faces of the Nile River in East Africa.

Arrive at the park in the late afternoon and check in at your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 3 hours
Distance: 155 km

Accomodation At:

Fort Murchison Lodge


Wake up early in the morning and leave for a game drive at the northern bank of the Nile River in your open-roof vehicle, offering you an excellent opportunity to view and photograph the diverse wildlife. Spot elephant, lion, cape buffalo, Rothchild’s giraffe, hartebeest, waterbuck, oribi, bushbuck, bohor reedbuck, hyena and if you are lucky, the leopard.

After your game drive, have lunch and go for a boat cruise upstream of the Victoria Nile river. Reach the base of the Murchison falls and stop a few meters from the devil’s cauldron, where you can spot hippos and crocodiles and over the 17 km stretch, you may see elephants, waterbuck and Uganda Kob.

You can also spot several bird species here, including the goliath heron, Egyptian goose, pelican bee-eater, kingfisher, hornbill, cormorant, and the rare shoebill stork. After taking pictures of the photogenic Murchison Falls, you may continue to the top of the falls at an additional fee of $15 per person, where you will have stunning views of the falls as the Nile River explodes violently through a narrow cleft in the rift valley ridge to descend into a frothing pool 43 m below.

Later, return to your lodge and relax in the evening followed by dinner and an overnight stay.


Have breakfast at the lodge and carry a packed lunch on your journey to Kibale Forest National Park. Enjoy your drive via Hoima to Fort Portal through lush green countryside and travel through traditional homesteads, farms and tea estates. Stop for lunch on the way and continue your drive to the park.

Kibale Forest National Park is one of the best destinations in Africa for chimpanzee trekking safaris and has the highest number and diversity of primates in East Africa. There are 13 species of primates, including chimpanzees, that thrive within its 795 square kilometers of land cover. The park has the most beautiful and diversified tracts of tropical forest in the whole of Uganda.

On your arrival at the park, check-in at your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 5 hours
Distance: 360 km

Accomodation At:

Isunga Lodge


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for a tour of Semuliki National Park, which is one of the oldest national reserves in Uganda. On your tour, the guide will explain the park's diverse flora and fauna and you will witness some of the most beautiful bird species.

Visit the Sempaya Hot Springs, which are Semliki’s most famous attraction. There’s a male spring, known as Bintente, which is 12m wide and the female spring Nyasimbi is 2m wide with water as hot as 103°C. The residents used to cook their food in these boiling pools.

You can also visit the local Batwa community, located in Nandi, where you will see the community dancers put on traditional performances for visitors. The visit to the villages provides you with a memorable cultural experience.

The driver will arrange lunch for you to enjoy a picnic lunch while you experience real Africa. After the tour of Semuliki National Park, return to your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Accomodation At:

Isunga Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for a chimpanzee trek at the Kibale National Park, which is reputed to have the greatest variety and highest concentration of primates in East Africa. The most famous of the 13 species is the chimpanzee and the national park has 1450 chimpanzees that represent the largest population of these endangered primates in Uganda. Kibale is also home to the rare L'Hoest's monkey and other primates, including the black and white colobus, blue monkey, gray-cheeked mangabey, red-tailed monkey and olive baboon.

After the chimpanzee trek, have lunch and then you may decide to head to Bigodi for an afternoon optional swamp walk. Bigodi is rich in biodiversity and scenic beauty and it has the Magombe Swamp that's home to around 200 species of birds that include papyrus gonolek, white-winged warbler and great blue turaco. You can also catch a glimpse of the great blue turaco on your walk.

Accomodation At:

Chimpundu Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at your lodge and leave for Queen Elizabeth National Park. The park has lush habitats, including dense forests and bushlands, rolling green hills and rich grassy savannah plains. You can also see the famous Rwenzori Mountains, also known as the Mountains of the Moon.

Arrive at the lodge for hot lunch and then leave for a 2-hour boat cruise on Kazinga Channel into Lake Edward.

The Kazinga Channel is a 32-kilometer-long freshwater channel that connects Lake Edward to its smaller neighbor Lake George. On your boat ride, you will spot a wide range of animals and birds and pass through the world’s largest concentrations of hippos and countless Nile crocodiles.

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Distance: 63 km

Accomodation At:

Bush Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Wake up and leave for an early morning game drive in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, where you can spot lions, leopards, giant forest hogs, cape buffalo, elephants, defassa waterbuck, Uganda kob, topi and bushbuck of many. The pristine landscapes of the park support an amazing variety of mammals. It’s home to 95 species, including large herds of elephants, buffalo and antelope that roam in the wilderness.

After your game drive, you can also go for an optional nature walk at $30 USD per person. You will visit the bat and hunter's cave in the Maramagambo Forest and get a close look at the bats, rock python and forest cobras. You can also see several species of birds and primates on your way.

After the nature walk, return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for Ishasha Plains, a sector in Queen Elizabeth National Park, which is famous for its distinguished species of birds, animals and vegetation. The star attraction of Ishasha Plains is the tree-climbing lions, who have adapted to climbing the fig trees to escape the heat and insects from the ground.

Have lunch and relax at your lodge or leave for another afternoon to search for more mammals in the Ishasha Plains. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge.

Accomodation At:

Enjojo Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast and go for a morning game drive in the Ishasha plains for your last visit to see the tree-climbing lions and other wildlife. After the game drive, continue your journey to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Enjoy your drive through the Kigezi Highlands, which is known as the Switzerland of Africa because of its beautiful terraced hillside and winding roads.

Arrive at the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in the evening and check into your lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Distance: 63 km

Accomodation At:

Mulehe Gorilla Lodge

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast early in the morning and depart for the starting point where you will be briefed about your gorilla trekking adventure. The trek begins from the site where gorillas were spotted a day before and experienced gorilla trekkers guide you through the slopes and volcanoes of the park.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park has 17 gorilla groups making it the best place to witness the gorillas in the wild. The tour gives you an opportunity to closely observe 90 mammal species and 11 primates, including the black and white colobus monkey.

The hike in the park can be physically demanding, but watching gorillas play, eat, rest and bond with their young ones is an incredible experience. Follow the mountain gorillas as they go freely in the impenetrable forest and discover their gorgeous natural habitat.

After your gorilla trekking safari tour, head back to the lodge. If your trek is relatively short, you can go for a guided nature walk around the lodge and the surrounding communities in the evening. Return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.


Don’t forget to carry your rain gear, packed lunch, plenty of water, gloves, hat and waterproof bag for protection of your camera in case of rain.


After breakfast at the lodge and leave for Lake Bunyonyi. Also known as a birding paradise, it is the most stunning lake in Uganda. The word 'Bunyonyi' means the place of little birds, but it is also a place for rest, peace, solace and tranquility. Arrive at Lake Bunyonyi and spend the night overlooking the beautiful scenery around. You can also go for fun-filled activities such as swimming, nature walks, boating, canoeing, and village visits.

Time: 2 hours 52 minutes
Distance: 76 km

Accomodation At:

Bunyonyi Overland Resort

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for Lake Mburo National Park, which is the smallest national park in Uganda but has a lot to offer in terms of its hilly landscape and rich vegetation.

Arrive at the park and check in at the lodge for lunch and then leave for an evening game drive in the park. The park is the only place in Uganda where you’re likely to see large herds of impala. The green acacia woodland harbors wildlife like zebra, warthog and eland. Lake Mburo itself is home to hippos and crocodiles. After the game drive, return to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Time: 5 hours 20 minutes
Distance: 272 km

Accomodation At:

Rwakobo Rock

Meal Plan: Full board


Have breakfast at the lodge and go for a safari walk in the morning, searching for wildlife animals such as buffalos, zebras and antelopes. Witness hippos coming out of the water and zebras grazing peacefully and experience the excitement of seeing wildlife so closely.

After your safari walk, enjoy a boat ride on Lake Mburo and witness amazing flora and fauna along with wildlife such as crocodiles, hippos and bird species including African fish eagles, pelicans, kingfishers and herons.

After the boat ride, you can go for an evening game drive or return to your hotel for relaxation, dinner and an overnight stay.


Have breakfast at the lodge and leave for Kampala with a stopover at the equator, which passes through Uganda. Continue your drive and then stop at the Mpigi Royal Drum Makers where you can watch the ceremonial drums being crafted using traditional methods passed over through the generations.

Reach Kampala in time and have lunch at your preferred restaurant. You can also go for an optional city tour and visit the famous Gaddafi Mosque Tower at an extra fee of $8 per person. You can also visit the Owino market and see the locals shopping for fresh farm produce, fabric, clothes, etc. Return to your hotel for an overnight stay.

Time: 4 hours 32 minutes
Distance: 232 km

Accomodation At:

Forest Cottages

Meal Plan: Bed-and-breakfast


Have breakfast and drive to Entebbe city where you can go for a nature walk in the botanical gardens and can also relax on the beautiful shores of Lake Victoria. Later, drive to the Entebbe International Airport for your flight back home.

End of trip

Price starting from

$15,160 USD for 2 people

Fill in your details to book this tour today. Or Contact Us to book a specialised tour or for any other enquiries you may have.

By booking here you are agreeing to our terms and condition


All ground transportation in a 4x4 safari vehicle with all fuel

Full-time driver/guide with all his associated expenses

Full board accommodation as per the above itinerary apart from in cities and towns where it is on bed-and-breakfast basis


Coffee experiences in Sipi Falls

Game drives

Boat cruises

1 chimpanzee permit per person

Bigodi Swamp walk

1 gorilla trekking permit per person

Safari walk in Lake Mburo

Ferry crossing

Well-bottled mineral water

Any other items included in the above itinerary


International air tickets


Personal insurance

All meals en route in cities/towns and in the place where accommodation is on bed-and-breakfast basis

Personal expenses such as drinks, tips, telephone calls, etc.


All optional activities

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